Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Kiva Update

I just checked the status of my account on I currently have loans being repaid by 11 entrepreneurs around the world (another 3 have been fully repaid). The latest payment came from this woman who I am proud to support.

Ngele Bokeli, aged 49, is a widow with three children, ages 10 to 16 years. All of them go to school. She and her children live in a mountainous area located west of the city of Kinshasa in The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Ngele is the manager of a communal bank named "Bolotshi Plus", which is established in solidarity with 31 members with the common objective of developing their small businesses by using micro-loans.

Ngele's principal business involves selling Wax Anglaise pagnes (colorful West African cloth). She started this business in 2004 with $20 in initial capital. She has acquired over the years some solid experience in this small-scale commerce, which now brings in $120 a week in profit, more or less.

The current loan is enabling her to buy a dozen lengths of pagnes to sell and to diversify her business by buying various goods in demand in her area. Her dream is to open a general store to respond to the needs of her customers in her district. Ngele is a loyal client who has received a loan five times, and she repaid all of them properly.

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